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Which Instagram profiles to follow are you an art lover? Needless to deny, it can sometimes be difficult to understand how to orient yourself in choosing the profiles to follow on Instagram. Not just for art lovers, a bit for everyone. For us, however, the variety factor is added. In fact, we can choose who to follow among artists, museums, galleries, content creators, auction houses, fairs and much more. In addition, the profiles can always be active or sometimes less depending on the period. For this reason it is not always easy. My name is Clelia and today I suggest you 50 profiles to follow on Instagram if you are an art lover.  

Instagram and art – Where to start Let’s

organize ourselves like this, as if it were a game. Let’s pretend that we have arrived on Instagram for the first time with a new profile. So blank page. We want to share what interests us most but also and above all to indulge our passions. And so we want to use this social platform to find out more about art. 

Let’s start filling this container. We are new and we still don’t know how hastags like #artlover, #storiadellarte, #museumlover and so on work. But we have to start somewhere so we decide to start by looking for the first places of art that come to mind: museums. Obviously not all the museums we love, have visited or know will have an active and interesting Instagram profile. So I suggest you start with those in your city who will surely be the most interesting to discover and support for you if they launch an initiative and then take a look at the rest of the world. 

6 MUSEUMS to follow on Instagram

In fact, Instagram allows us to find out what happens in the world of museums even abroad. If like me you are a lover of 20th century and contemporary art. the first two must-haves to follow are the MoMA in New York and the Tate in London. In fact, both do not just post photos of the works in their collection but create ad hoc content, promote articles on their blogs and also post video interviews with curators or artists on IGTV. 

And they’re not the only ones doing all of this. But if you are not there you will find that many museum profiles do not make sense to add them out of nowhere. Instead, you will begin to follow them because of the journeys you will take as happened to me. Three museums that I started following for this and that have remained among my favorites are the Prado in Madrid which churns out a lot of content, live coverage, IGTV and insights into the works. Then the Beyeler Foundation in Basel because it describes its activities through wonderful images.

And finally the Mambo di Bologna, whether you are from Bologna or not it doesn’t matter because their two minutes of art on IGTV are for everyone everywhere and I am sure you will like them. But Mambo is not the only Italian institution to have an interesting profile on IG.for an alternative, fun and above all not out of the box but really no schemes, brilliant the Sandretto Re Baudengo Foundation. And then there would be many more museums and institutions to follow but we said that there is a container that must be filled and that on the front we will fill it thanks to travel and visits. 

12 Art Content Creators Abroad

Dressing Up Like Works Of Art On Instagram?

Now we want someone to talk to us about art but we are not always and only an institution. Someone who perhaps lives it every day as an enthusiast like us and tells us about it in his own way. This category for em includes all the content creators or content creators I am talking about today. Let’s start with the most original: Dressed to match managed by Michelle. An American girl who in her photos combines works of art and clothing, combining her clothes with the works within which she photographs herself. A complex but wonderful job. And in this wake I also recommend Paridust which combines fashion and art in photos that are from a magazine. Both of these two profiles tell of people in contact with the works in museums, just like the next one. where beautiful photos of people in museums are shown in front of the works. 

And in this wake there would be hundreds if not thousands of profiles to follow like that of Dynamisk or artstagram__ which from New York tells us about the galleries in the area. 

Around museums and galleries but on Instagram

Among all those who in my opinion stand out and not for the number of followers but for the clarity of the contents, beautiful images and interesting stories are abroad: Girls sees art. Curated completely dedicated to contemporary art and curated to a girl who launched an interesting yoga campaign in museums. And then again in the quite interesting New York environment of Maria Brito, a completely different genre from mine, very American but which helped to intrigue me about several new artists. 

Sweeter instead in the way of doing and with a mix of photos of art and everyday life I suggest you follow Vera Bertran and her little dog who, if I remember correctly, by the way is called Basquiat. Always remaining among the international profiles then there are two of project curators for an English magazine that I read often and is called artsy and that I suggest to you since we are here to also follow instagram. 

A bit of architecture, design and art history

However, the two profiles of the curators are that of markathemuseum because his photos are spectacular, in my opinion the most beautiful among the art profiles that I follow and always recognizable when I scroll down the feed. And then Elena Soboleva, who not only shares 20th century and contemporary works of art but lately also makes very nice reels like the one on the Kusama infinity room. 

But Instagram is not only the perfect social network for beautiful photos and reels, in fact there are also those who are not successful and passionate and share art history content and I am referring to lets_talk_about_art who every day posts a new photo with an explanation of the work or artist who made it.also does something similar but different Brett Gorvy, posting an opera accompanying it with a poem and sometimes a song.

6 Art content creators in Italy

But in this new account where we are adding all these profiles we can’t always and only look abroad so let’s also jump to Italy to add some Italian content creators. My list is long but not very long because there are many passionate and passionate about art who tell it but maybe mix a lot with their daily life and therefore art is lost a little.

Back around exhibitions and museums

On the contrary, the first profile of an art lover completely dedicated to exhibitions, works and museums that I suggest is that of criview. Cristina is an Italian girl who lives here in England in London because she moved and started studying here and then started working at the National Gallery. And its contents are always interesting and accompanied by beautiful photos. And another Cristina from the Italian art world that I suggest is thegirlinthegallery who with her photos and especially her IGTVs tells us about her love for art and often many curiosities and visits to museums.

For those who are more attentive to the art market, I suggest two Italian projects to follow: that of Elisabetta of Artnomadmilan who is very good at always churning out new content. And then that of Virginia, culturush that you can also find here on YouTube and who, as a lover of contemporary art, has also recently opened her own digital gallery. 

Finally, two profiles that I always follow with great interest combine art and photography and I am referring to that of Giusy who with Less is art not only tells us about the works she sees in museums but also about her passion for photography. And then that of Anna and Anastasia of TravelonArt who with Thor go around Italy and not only to tell us about street art, they always make us discover new worlds in a spontaneous and interesting way. 

5 Art critics and magazines to follow on Instagram

However, we do not want to rely either only on institutions or only on content creators who rightly make a selection for us. So we decide to add magazines and critics or curators to our list. I’ll only mention five or six of them. Among contemporary critics, Jerry Saltz and Francesco Bonami, who sometimes even discuss each other on Instagram.magazines artsy mentioned above and in Italy Artribune, which always posts beautiful historical photos of artists of the ‘900. If you want to play a little with art, there is the Google Arts & cCulture profile. Or if, on the contrary, you want to mix art with entertainment and the world of music and TV, there is the profile of Daniela Collu, whom many know as the HotFactor presenter but is also an art historian. 

12 Artists to Follow on Instagram

And if you follow the critics, you can also follow some artists on Instagram. My suggestion in this field is: if you are passionate about an artist or a movement of the past like Van Gogh, Dalì, Warhol and you want all their works in the feed then follow all the fan pages. I personally don’t do it but I wouldn’t find anything wrong with it!

Established contemporary artists On

if you want to follow your favorite contemporary artists then it’s easier. The first to follow is Banksy because he uses IG as a platform for all his previews. I perfectly remember seeing his post on Gross Domestic Product, his pop-up in London last year, and having taken the train to go to Croydon in place of the subway that immediately brought me home. to take a look. So follow him if you don’t want to miss the latest works directly from him, without filters. 

Another strange and interesting profile is that of Cattelan who until some time ago posted only one post a day, always deleting the previous ones. He stopped for a year but I continue to follow him, maybe he will come back and some posts were interesting. 

The next four artists, on the other hand, are established but you have to follow them because not only are they active on Instagram but they post interesting things and related to their works. I’m talking about Ai Weiwei who has been under a bit of controversy lately for his Instagram posts. Marina Abramovic who is present with his institute and posts some wonderful photos from a technical point of view. And then Cindy Sherman who uses the social platform to continue posting her self-portraits. And finally the studio of Olafur Eliasson, because with his works and social initiatives I really think he is one of the most interesting living artists of our century. 

The emerging artists not to be missed

But I would like this video to be also an opportunity for discovery so I quickly point out other profiles of international artists that I suggest. In case you take the cell, pause and decide vois and follow them or not. Let’s start with the international women artists: Kara Walker about whom I told you in the video on the 20 works of the last 20 years. Zabou, street artist who works a lot in London and creates beautiful walls like that of Frida Kahlo in the Victoria Station area.

And finally Lara Zankoul, a Lebanese conceptual artist who tells our contemporary history and society through her photographs. and still on the subject of photography we then move on to a couple drcuerda who as photographers enter their photos and change the space that surrounds them making us see the image from another perspective. Then two Italian artists: Fabio Viale whom I adore because he creates these marble sculptures but which almost seem to take shape despite being very contemporary and close to our tastes and our society. And then Fabrizio Cotognini, who is one of my favorite Italian artists and manages to make me take a dip in the past in the origins of our art history but in a completely new and conscious way. 

6 Instagram profiles on the art market

Very well, our feed is already starting to fill up with works, news, interesting reels, art and poetry, wonderful photos and new artists. Now the market is missing, there is a lack of news in terms of pieces that will go to auction or stand at fairs. For that as well as for museums, time will help you choose your favorites. In the meantime, I recommend some interesting profiles in my opinion. Let’s start with the auction houses: Sotheby’s and Christie’s to start understanding what to expect from the more institutional market profiles.

And then the personal ones we start with an art advisor Laura Smith who will introduce you to several new artists she works with. We then move on to Rebecca Wei, former director of christie’s Asia who carries around posting international works but sometimes with a twist linked to the Asian market. And then he Jerry Gogosian who will not tell you about the market in the strict sense but through memes and satire will surely make you smile on the world of art gallery owners, artists and curators, none excluded. As far as galleries and fairs are concerned, a lot depends on which ones you will attend, it is true, however, that of Art Basel is an interesting profile. While among the Italian galleries, Tornabuoni does a good job of promoting its artists with a mix of exhibits and vintage photos. And last but not least the profile of the famous American online gallery saatchi art to find new artists and make interesting discoveries. 


Well, the game is over and our new account now has more or less 50 new profiles from which to discover the goodies and secrets of the world and the history of art. And if you liked this post take a look at my Instagram profile where I share art-themed content and where you can find me as Artnthecities.

Thanks and see you next time! 

Hi, if you have suggestions and suggestions contact me. You can always find me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. See you!!